Current Offerings

Effectiveness and Efficiency Roadmap

Operational Maturity Assessment

Website Redesign and Back-End Integration

Agency-Carrier Automation Map

Business Continuity Guidance

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Project Assurance

IT Staff Augmentation

CIO Part-Time Outsourcing

PM/QA Training

Project Assurance

For every day a project doesn't get completed, you'll lose money and will miss out on the benefits of “Live”. We'll bolster your project management (PM) and ensure success on time and on budget.

Problem Statement - Investors, board of directors, and executives of insurance companies need to know with certainty that project and/or development dollars are well invested and they need to be further assured that risk is both understood and minimized.  Project shortfalls—whether cost overruns, deliverable delays or other problems—compromise corporate success, diminish company value and decrease investor confidence.

The cumulative effects of poor PM are visible across four cross-sections of the organization:

PM Problems



Lack of stakeholder buy-in; Unrealistic expectations; Heroics; Lack of motivation


Insufficient risk management; Overly optimistic schedules; Inadequate planning


Promises more than it can deliver; Scope creep; Requirements gold-plating


Tools & Methodology mismatch; Negative ROI; Switching tools in mid-project

Right Approach - Executives should adopt a "point-in-time" assessment approach to their ongoing projects that identifies the risks associated with a client's project. Project areas that need to be regularly assessed include project management, project team skill sets, resource allocation, technical infrastructure, data integrity policies, training plans and change management plans.

The project management function must independently and objectively identify and report the status of project components. It is also necessary to validate risks of project issues, including gaps in plan vs. performance, and staffing and skill requirement mismatches. Finally, the manager must audit all these issues – budget change management, scope creep, compliance, etc. – to ensure success of the organization's business initiative.

Info724 Project Assurance Offering
Info724 can develop and execute suitable "best practices" for you and serve either as an independent and objective reviewer or as an integrated member of your internal team. We can help you to:

  • Identify potential project pitfalls and create mitigation strategies at each step of the way.
  • Track and monitor key project metrics (i.e., budgets, resources, team skills, technology platform, infrastructure, business constraints) and develop a mitigation strategy.
  • Identify best practices for integrating system improvements, and integrate them into your project by mentoring your full-time PM.
  • Identify and resolve communication and integration breakdowns before implementation.
  • Develop checkpoints to monitor and measure potential risks versus goals of a project, thus allowing management to make educated and strategic decisions.

The offering will also serve as on the job training for participating team members from your organization – by interaction and observation they will learn best practices and will begin to adopt them for their own.

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